October 26, 2017

ASLCH Graduate Student Workshop To Be Held March 15, 2018 @Law_Cult_Huma

The Annual Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Graduate Student Workshop will be held on Thursday, March 15, 2018 (the day before the annual conference begins).
Applications are due November 30, 2017.
The workshop is designed for graduate students who are undertaking research that cuts across the disciplines of law, cultural studies, literature, philosophy, legal studies, anthropology, political science, among others. The workshop is designed to have some fun while, first, affording graduate students the opportunity to experience the LCH community in a smaller venue with more sustained contact with one another and some faculty and, second, providing graduate students with an opportunity to present their own work in anticipation of such things as job talks and publication.
Applications to the workshop should include a current curriculum vitae, a 5-page maximum abstract of a current project, as well as a short (5-page maximum) "text" relating to that project. This "text" could be a case, literary work, time-line, photo, sound or video file, or whatever source-"text" will help the workshop participants reflect on the subject of their work.
Use your judgment and best guesses in deciding how audio, visual, or audio-visual materials "translate" into pages of text. Applicants whose proposals are accepted will receive some support towards an extra night's accommodation by ASLCH as well as some support (varying, depending on distance traveled) towards the cost of transportation to the conference site.
Please send your applications by email to Mark Antaki (mark.antaki@mcgill.ca) by November 30, 2017, with the subject line: ASLCH Grad Workshop Application. For inquiries, please write to Mark.

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