January 13, 2016

Kreitner, Rosenberg, and Tomlins on Arts and the Aesthetic in Legal History

Roy Kreitner, Tel Aviv University, Anat Rosenberg, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliyah-Radzyner School of Law, and Christopher Tomlins, University of California, Berkeley, Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, have published Arts and the Aesthetic in Legal History at 2 Critical Analysis of Law 314 (2015). Here is the abstract.
This special issue of Critical Analysis of Law brings together a rich array of articles at the intersections of arts and legal history. In this introduction we reflect on some of the benefits and implications of this interdisciplinary juncture, which contemporary legal historians have been slow to engage. We highlight the significance of engaging with the arts for theoretical conundrums central to legal history: art as source, the philosophy of time, methodological scripts, and the relation of the descriptive to the normative. The arts, we argue, prove vital in tackling and breaching the limits of imagination imposed by our time and place — disciplinary place included.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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