December 20, 2011

Comparative Latin American Law

José Calvo González, University of Malaga, has published "Justianiano en Latinoamérica. Una crónica sobre Técnica legislativa en Derecho comparado", in Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho [CEFD] (Universitat de València), n.24 (2011), pp. 22-36. Here is the abstract.

The text reviews the initiatives and development policy from the legislative power in Argentina and Nicaragua have forged in recent collections of their respective legal systems. Such compilations are the Argentine Legal Digest and Nicaraguan Legal Digest and have responded to principles early clearance, inventory, harmonization, normative consolidation and unification of legislation. The author is interested in the achievements of his legislative program of technical development, as well the extent of such approaches in legal and political terms of contribution to legal security and strengthening the rule of law.

Download/read the text (in Spanish) at the link.

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