July 1, 2011

Assocation for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities Open For Proposals For Next Year's Conference

From Professor Linda Meyer, Quinnipiac College of Law

Call for Participation: 15th Annual ASLCH Conference

March 16-17, 2012

Texas Wesleyan School of Law (Fort Worth, TX)

The Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities is an organization of scholars engaged in interdisciplinary, humanistic legal scholarship. The Association brings together a wide range of people engaged in scholarship on legal history, legal theory, jurisprudence, law and cultural studies, law and literature, law and the performing arts, and legal hermeneutics. We want to encourage dialogue across and among these fields about questions of meaning, value, and interpretation, particularly as they bear upon ideas or issues of justice, identity, authority, and obligation, and more broadly, an understanding of law’s place in culture. How do ideas of justice change over time and under what conditions? How does law appear in the cultural imagination? What are the linguistic, literary, and cultural processes at work in the law, and what are its institutional processes? How is the legal subject conceptualized and mobilized, and what are the limits on its freedom and authority?

We invite scholars with interests across the range of areas, fields, and disciplines encompassed by Law, Culture and the Humanities to organize panels or submit proposals for individual paper presentations. Examples of recent panel topics include:

Interpreting Cases, Creating Law

Roundtable: Dead Certainty: The Death Penalty and the Problem of Judgment

Imagining Rights in the Era of Globalization

Explorations in Law, Science, and Governance

What Can the Humanities Offer to Law?

Humanistic Critiques of Legal Education

Law and the Sacred

Visual Media and The Law

Underwriting Society: Law and Literature as Mutual Modes of Imagining Community

(The complete programs from past conferences are available on the ASLCH website: http://www.law.syr.edu/academics/centers/lch/past.html)

We urge those interested in participating to consider submitting complete panels or session proposals. We welcome a variety of formats and subjects, such as: panels; roundtables; film screenings and performance art; sessions in which the focus is on pedagogy; sessions that create a space for participants to join in a directed reading of a text (e.g., a lyric poem); author-meets-readers sessions, which provide a forum for conversation about a recently published book in the field; sessions in which commentators respond to a single paper or issue, or in which the chair presents the papers and the authors respond.

Ideally, traditional panels should include NO MORE THAN 3 PAPERS. All panel proposals should indicate the name of the chair. In most cases having a discussant is desirable, and the discussant can be, but does not have to be, the chair. All panels should be planned in such a way that 30 minutes of the 1 hour and 45 minutes generally allotted for sessions is reserved for discussion/comments by the audience. Proposals must indicate whether a “smart room” with computer, audio or video presentation technology will be needed. More detailed instructions about participation rules and limits are listed on the first page of the online conference submission system, but please note that we will accept a maximum of NO MORE THAN ONE PAPER AND ONE ROUNDTABLE presentation for any individual participant, although participants may chair more than one panel. Additionally, each paper submission [abstract] is limited to 150 words, and because the site will not save partial submissions, it is important to have all the information for your proposed paper or panel completed before you begin the submission process.

We would also welcome you to volunteer to serve as a chair and/or discussant, whether you are submitting a paper proposal or not. If you would like to serve as a chair and/or discussant, please indicate the areas or subjects of your interest/expertise.

We will accept proposals for panels, papers, roundtables, and other session proposals, and volunteers to serve as panel chairs or discussants, from July 1 until October 15, 2011.

PLEASE NOTE: To submit proposals, please go to the online submission site: http://www.regonline.com/15thannualmeetingLCH

As it becomes available, additional information about accommodations and other conference matters, will be posted to the, "ASLCH Annual Conference Information" page on the ASLCH webpage at: http://www.law.syr.edu/academics/centers/lch/conference.html.

Participants will be notified by December 31, 2011. We cannot promise that we will be able to accommodate all proposals.

Questions, please contact Matthew Anderson (manderson@une.edu)

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