March 13, 2025

Blocher and Garrett on Applying History as Law: The Role of Historical Facts in Implementing Constitutional Doctrine

Joseph Blocher and Brandon L. Garrett, both of Duke University School of Law, have published Applying History as Law: The Role of Historical Facts in Implementing Constitutional Doctrine as Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2025-03. Here is the abstract.
The U.S. Supreme Court has long relied on historical evidence in constitutional cases, but recent years have seen a major change in how it does so: not only to interpret the meaning of constitutional text, but to establish doctrinal tests that call for historical evidence to be used in the application of those tests going forward. Broadly speaking, originalism has moved from the realm of legal interpretation to that of law declaration and then to law application. This transformation in the legal significance of history raises important questions for originalism as a practice of constitutional adjudication, not simply a theory of law. How are judges and litigants to implement the historical tests the Court has increasingly prescribed for them? In the first Part of this Article, we show how lower courts have been tasked with assessing history and tradition in applying constitutional standards, often with little guidance regarding how to proceed or what quality and quantity of historical evidence suffices to satisfy those standards. We taxonomize the Court's standards, describing the different burdens and challenges that judges face in carrying out their obligation to apply these standards while developing a historical fact record. In Part II, we show how lower courts and litigants have attempted to navigate this new doctrinal landscape. Their efforts have revealed serious complications and debates about fundamental matters like the fact/law distinction, record development, expert witnesses, and independent judicial factfinding. Less attention has been paid to the impact on litigants, who potentially face higher costs of research and briefing and legal standards that are more obscure and unpredictable. The result has been incomplete and sometimes deeply flawed decision-making, and-perversely-a growing disjunction between law and historical facts. In Part III we provide some prescriptions. We argue that ifconstitutional cases are to turn on matters of historical fact, those factual determinations should be initially made with an opportunity for party development of historical facts, including with appropriate use of expert witnesses. If no such trial court record exists, appellate courts can and often should remand for one to be developed. Moreover, fixed standards of review must regulate review on appeal, accounting for the differences between questions of fact and law If adequate rules and practices for finding and applying historical facts cannot be identified or soundly implemented, then originalist constitutional standards that call for the application of historical facts should be reconsidered—not necessarily because they fail in theory but because they fail in practice. Insufficient rules for fact-development and review on appeal result in ill-defined precedent and unworkable constitutional doctrine and will call into question the judicial enterprise of applying history as constitutional law.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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