October 9, 2024

Moving Online Symposium: Call For Proposals: Symposium, January 30, 2025, Coventry University, UK @covcampus

Symposium Announcement and Call for Proposals

Moving Online Symposium: Call for proposals 

Ontology and Ownership of Internet Dance

Symposium 30th January 2025 

Coventry University, UK 


Full details here: https://movingonline.coventry.domains/symposium/

Deadline for abstracts 13th October 2024


It will be free to attend and a limited number of bursaries will be available to support travel and participation by freelance artists. More information is available here: https://movingonline.coventry.domains/symposium-bursaries/



In recent years, there has been increased attention paid to the ownership of dance. There has been important work done in the area of dance and copyright1 as well as the examination of the way ownership is managed via social norms through the ‘commons’2 and as a form of ‘gift’.3 The increased circulation of dance online through archives, video platforms and social media sites has led to multiple debates about the copying and re-embodiment of dances,4 reigniting important conversations about appropriation, acknowledgment and credit.5 


At the same time, there has been a flourishing of work on dance and performance ontology. For example, long-standing debates about the ephemerality of dance and performance have been reframed through discussions about the ‘post-ephemeral’6and materiality.7 There have also been new perspectives offered on questions about the nature of dances and the way in which they exist.8,9 


In this symposium, we are interested in exploring how these two areas intersect in the context of online dance and performance. The event builds on and shares the findings from Moving Online: Ontology and Ownership of Internet Dance https://movingonline.coventry.domains  (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/W01002X/1]). We invite proposals that explore the ownership and/or ontology of dance or performance on the internet. We welcome consideration of dance and performance in all of their forms, genres and online contexts. Suggested themes include, but are not limited to: 


  • Ownership disputes and resolutions 
  • Acknowledgment and credit 
  • Non-legal forms of ownership 
  • Appropriation, copying and/or commodification 
  • Copyright, licensing and/or NFTs 
  • Materiality, (post) ephemerality and/or ontology 
  • Dance challenges, reworking or reenactment 
  • Remediation 
  • Ownership, economics and online circulation 


Proposals should be for 20, 60 or 90 minute sessions and might include: academic papers, curated discussions and/or online performances or screenings. Please submit the following by 13 October 2024 via this link: https://movingonline.coventry.domains/symposium/


  • 300 word abstract 
  • 100 word bio for each contributor 
  • Any technical requirements (please note that there will be limited technical support available) 
  • Any dietary requirements 
  • Any access requirements 


We welcome alternative formats for submission. Please contact Hetty Blades to arrange this: hetty.blades@coventry.ac.uk


The event is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council via Moving Online (grant number AH/W01002X/1).



  • Deadline for Abstracts: 13 October 2024 
  • Notification of outcome: 1 November 2024 
  • Bursary application deadline: 28 October 2024 

performances or screenings. Please submit the following by 13 October 2024 via this link: https://movingonline.coventry.domains/symposium/


  • 300 word abstract 
  • 100 word bio for each contributor 
  • Any technical requirements (please note that there will be limited technical support available) 
  • Any dietary requirements 
  • Any access requirements 


We welcome alternative formats for submission. Please contact Hetty Blades to arrange this: hetty.blades@coventry.ac.uk


The event is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council via Moving Online (grant number AH/W01002X/1).



  • Deadline for Abstracts: 13 October 2024 
  • Notification of outcome: 1 November 2024 
  • Bursary application deadline: 28 October 2024
  • Bursary application outcome: 11 November 2024
  • Symposium: 30 January 2025 


    Follow the project on X: @MovingOnlineCU and/or Instagram: @movingonlinecu 


    Please contact Hetty Blades with any questions: hetty.blades@coventry.ac.uk  

    For the notes and references please see: https://movingonline.coventry.domains/notes-and-references/

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