April 1, 2021

Safner on Honor Among Thieves: How 19th Century American Pirate Publishers Simulated Copyright Protection @ryansafner

Ryan Safner, Hood College, has published Honor Among Thieves: How 19th Century American Pirate Publishers Simulated Copyright Protection. Here is the abstract.
From 1790 to 1891, the United States prevented foreign authors from obtaining domestic copyright protection, implicitly subsidizing a domestic reprinting industry. With foreign works a “free” and unprotected resource, American publishers created a system of voluntary norms, known as “trade courtesy” to create and enforce psuedo- property rights in uncopyrighted foreign works, simulating the effects of legal copyright protection. This paper analyzes this system using the Bloomington School’s Institutional Analysis and Design (IAD) framework to under- stand its effectiveness, and pitfalls, in managing the commons of unprotected foreign works in 19th Century America.
Download the document from SSRN at the link.

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