December 9, 2020

Bix on Reflections on Truth in Law @UofMNLawSchool

Brian Bix, University of Minnesota Law School, has published Reflections on Truth in Law in 8 Cosmos + Taxis (2020). Here is the abstract.
This short article was written as part of a Festschrift for Susan Haack (published in the journal, Cosmos + Taxis, vol. 8 (2020)). It focuses on the intricacies of statements of truth within and about law. Truth about particular legal propositions often turns on some combination of “will” and “reason”: the decisions made by officials authorized to make choices for the community, on one hand, and what follows from those decisions, as a matter of the distinct form of practical reasoning known as “doctrinal reasoning.” And where will and reason conflict, sometimes there may be, if only temporarily, more than one legal truth.
Download the essay from SSRN at the link.

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