The University of Glasgow School of Law has published a Call For Papers for a Workshop on Constitutional of Legacies of Empire. The workshop will take place May 23-24, 2019 at the School of Law. Here's a link to the website.
July 30, 2018
Drink Up! Frye on a Legal History of the Bacardi Cocktail @brianlfrye
Brian L. Frye, University of Kentucky College of Law, has published 'It's Your Right…!': A Legal History of the Bacardi Cocktail. Here is the abstract.
In 1936, the Bacardi Company filed a trademark infringement action in New York state court against two New York bars for serving Bacardi cocktails made without Bacardi rum, and the court granted an injunction. For years afterward, the Bacardi Company used the ruling in its advertisement, proclaiming, "It's your right!" to expect Bacardi rum in your Bacardi cocktail. This article provides a legal history of the Bacardi cocktail and the Bacardi Company's trademark infringement action. An appendix provides a list of historical recipes for the Daiquiri and Bacardi cocktails.Download the article at the link.
Adams on Japanese Canadians and the Canadian Constitution @ericadams99
Eric M. Adams, University of Alberta Faculty of Law, is publishing Constitutional Stories: Japanese Canadians and the Constitution of Canada in volume 35 of Australiasian Canadian Studies. Here is the abstract.
Constitutions, and the law and culture they generate, constitute in the broad, diverse, and conflicting stories we tell about places, peoples, and nation states. Significant constitutional anniversaries have always marked an occasion for creating and challenging constitutional stories. The 150th anniversary of Confederation offers an opportunity to reflect on the stories that Canadian constitutional history has to contribute to the country’s broader constitutional narrative and self-understanding. In particular, I explore how significant moments in the constitutional history of Japanese Canadians reveal the relationship between constitutional failure and meaningful moments of constitutional resistance and change. In doing so, we see the capacity of constitutional history, often abandoned by scholars for the more immediate imperatives of contemporary constitutional concerns, as integral to a full understanding of Canadian constitutional law, culture, and politics.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Bamzai on Taft, Frankfurter, and the First Presidential For-Cause Removal @adityabamzai
Aditya Bamzai, University of Virginia School of Law, has published Taft, Frankfurter, and the First Presidential For-Cause Removal at 52 University of Richmond law Review 691 (2018).
In the fall of 1912—while one of the most consequential presidential campaigns in United States history raged around them—William Howard Taft, Felix Frankfurter, and a handful of officials within the federal government initiated a process to remove two members of the Board of General Appraisers for inefficiency, neglect of duty, and malfeasance in office. The process culminated in President Taft’s for-cause dismissal of the two members, Thaddeus Sharretts and Roy Chamberlain, on the very last day that he served as President, after he received a report recommending their firing from a “committee of inquiry” that included Frankfurter. Taft’s firing of Sharretts and Chamberlain was the first presidential for-cause removal. To this day, it remains the only time in the history of the nation that the President has expressly removed for cause an executive branch “officer of the United States” whose tenure is protected by statute after providing notice to the officer, holding a hearing, and finding that the statutory predicates for removal have been met. Taft’s action involved decisions by two individuals—Taft himself and Frankfurter—who would go on to become Justices of the United States Supreme Court and to author two of the most consequential opinions on the President's authority to remove subordinates, Myers v. United States and Wiener v. United States. It involved the construction and application of statutory language—“inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office”—that Congress still uses to mark some kind of “independence” from presidential control on behalf of an administrative agency. Echoes of the issues that Taft and Frankfurter confronted in 1913 may be heard in Myers and Wiener, in Justice Sutherland’s opinion for the Court in Humphrey’s Executor v. United States, and in recent controversies over the scope of the President’s power to remove subordinate officers within the executive branch. Despite all of the foregoing, the episode has escaped scholarly attention and been the subject of no relevant legal discussion. No account of President Taft’s removal of the two Board members appears in the various treatments of the President’s removal power, or in the large literatures devoted to Taft and Frankfurter, two towering figures in American legal history. Indeed, it is widely, but mistakenly, assumed that no President has ever removed an officer for cause and that (in the words of the dissenting opinion in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Co. Accounting Oversight Board) “it appears that no President has ever actually sought to exercise [the removal] power by testing the scope of a ‘for cause’ provision.” As a corrective, this article tells the story of Taft’s for-cause removal of the two general appraisers on his last day in office, following a process started in the midst of his 1912 reelection battle with future President Woodrow Wilson and former President Theodore Roosevelt. It then explores the episode’s implications for present-day understandings of the development of the American administrative state and the doctrine of the separation of powers.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Allison on Minimizing Magna Carta and Modernizing Exposition of the Rule of Law in the English Historical Constitution @ElgarPublishing @Elgar_Law
John W. F. Allison, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law, has published Minimising Magna Carta and Modernising Exposition of the Rule of Law in the English Historical Constitution as University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 48/2018. It is forthcoming in Handbook on the Rule of Law (Christopher May and Adam Winchester, Elgar, 2018). Here is the abstract.
Download the chapter from SSRN at the link.
Dicey’s view of the English constitution as historical was traditional, but he promoted, and imported to that constitution, a history that was comparative, critical and modernist. His promotion of history as comparison affected his treatment of Magna Carta and his view of its importance to the rule of law. Provisions of Magna Carta provisions are compared and contrasted with Dicey’s exposition of the rule of law to explain his disdain for Magna Carta’s importance, to show the extent to which his exposition of the rule of law marked its modernisation in the English historical constitution, and to illustrate Diceyan history as comparison. The historical comparison serves as an illustration with which to consider the value of history as comparison - for Dicey in his treatment of Magna Carta and for normative interpretivists in drawing upon his rule of law.
Download the chapter from SSRN at the link.
Peter Haeberle on Constitutional Theory: Constitution on Culture and the Open Society of Constitutional Interpreters: New From Hart Publishing @hartpublishing
New from Hart Publishing:
Peter Haeberle on Constitutional Theory: Constitution as Culture and the Open Society of Constitutional Interpreters: Markus Kotzur, ed., Hart, 2018. Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents.
Peter Häberle, one of the most eminent constitutional lawyers in Germany and beyond, has devoted over four decades of academic work to one central idea: that processes of constitutionalisation are cultural processes and their outcome, the constitution, thus qualifies as an emanation of culture itself. This volume introduces six seminal centrepieces of Häberle's constitutional cosmos to an English-speaking audience. His reflections on “Fundamental Rights in the Welfare State” introduced a “flexible dogmatic of human rights” according to which all human rights can be conceived social rights. “The open society of constitutional interpreters” and the classical piece on “Preambles in the text and context of constitutions” revolutionised constitutional interpretation theory. In his article on human dignity, Häberle paved the way for conceptualising this notion as a textual foundation of constitutional Democracies. The last two papers present the rationale for a cultural concept of constitutions and apply to the European plane, too. This book will allow readers to get to know Peter Häberle as a scholar who wants to discover the world beyond positive law.

July 26, 2018
Publication Opportunity: Law and Humanities
Do you have an essay or short article on law and humanities that you would like to publish? Teaching materials in the area that you would like to share? What about poetry, short stories, photographs, or other material related to the subjects of law and the humanities? Here's your opportunity. The newly launched open access, peer-reviewed website Hedgehogs and Foxes is seeking your contributions. Please contact a member of the Board of Editors:
Christine Corcos, Associate Professor of Law, LSU Law Center. Contact her at
Shubha Ghosh, Professor of Law, Syracuse University School of Law. Contact him at
David Ray Papke, Professor of Law, Marquette University School of Law. Contact him at
Cassandra Sharp, Associate Professor of Law, University of Wollongong. Contact her at
Julia Shaw, Professor of Law and Social Justice, Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University. Contact her at
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Editors, please send an expression of interest to a member of the Board.
Christine Corcos, Associate Professor of Law, LSU Law Center. Contact her at
Shubha Ghosh, Professor of Law, Syracuse University School of Law. Contact him at
David Ray Papke, Professor of Law, Marquette University School of Law. Contact him at
Cassandra Sharp, Associate Professor of Law, University of Wollongong. Contact her at
Julia Shaw, Professor of Law and Social Justice, Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University. Contact her at
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Editors, please send an expression of interest to a member of the Board.
Do You Teach Criminal Law Using Pop Culture? If So, Here's a Publication Opportunity
For a book that is being published later this year by
Carolina Academic Press, I am looking for someone to write a short chapter
(2,500 words or so) on using movies and TV shows to teach criminal law.
The catch is that the deadline for the chapter is August 15 (the person who was
supposed to do this chapter unexpectedly bowed out, hence the reason I am now
looking for a fill-in). However, as the chapter is a “how to” with few
footnotes, I think someone could write this piece relatively quickly. If you
are interested, please contact me at
July 25, 2018
Fleming on Two Centuries of Policing Swindles and Humbugs @GeorgetownLaw
Anne Fleming, Georgetown University Law Center, has published Two Centuries of Policing Swindles and Humbugs at 46 Reviews in American History 217 (2018). Here is the abstract.
Since the 1860s, when P.T. Barnum, the self-described Prince of Humbug, practiced his art, much has changed in the way that commercial deception is policed. Yet, humbug remains an important tool for some modern American capitalists. Indeed, the American marketplace has never been nor will ever be entirely cleansed of fraud, as Edward Balleisen reports in his exciting new book, Fraud: An American History from Barnum to Madoff. Fraud chronicles the history of business fraud and its regulation over the past two hundred years, beginning in the early nineteenth century. Unlike previous works that focus on particular fraudsters or incidents of fraud, Balleisen casts a wide net that draws in examples from many corners of the world of commerce, including from the sale of securities, lightning rods, and other home improvement services, appliances, and medicine. An array of "capsule stories" illustrate the many varieties of business fraud and range of antifraud policing efforts over the past two centuries, as well as the similarities in approaches to fighting fraud across different domains of business within each era. Although this method does not yield "clean plotlines" or deep explorations of central figures and events, it serves Balleisen's purpose well, which is to find the enduring patterns and "key inflection points" in the fight against business fraud, in addition to explaining the value of this history for present-day policymaking. Without lingering for long on the question of how we define "fraud," Balleisen provides historians and policymakers with a rich history of the machinery designed to stop and prevent it.The full text is not available from SSRN.
Grebieniow on Inheritance Law and Roman Law
Aleksander Grebieniow, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legal History, has published Inheritance Contracts & Roman Law. Here is the abstract.
The use of inheritance contracts is one of the most controversial issues about the Roman Law. It is not unanimous to whether the Romans knew them, and if so, whether they have practised disposing of one’s assets in the event of death by means of an agreement. It appears that the question can’t be solved without asking, how should we understand the notion of ‘inheritance contracts’. Are the modern concepts compatible with Roman legal experience being not compatible with each other? There are though certain proofs of ‘a contract-oriented way of thinking’ of the Roman jurists. They indeed prohibited some contract having a succession over a third person for an object but were not using a broader concept of inheritance contract. The present paper is meant as a reconsideration of this topic, with particular focus on the justifiability of the research questions which have been asked until now.The full text is not available for download from SSRN.
Habermacher on Rennard Strickland's Comparison Between Sir William Blackstone and Felix Cohen@adrienhaber
Adrien Habermacher, McGill University Faculty of Law, and McGill University Faculty of Law, Institute of Comparative Law, is publishing 'Felix Cohen Was the Blackstone of Federal Indian Law': Taking the Comparison Seriously is volume 8 of British Journal of American Legal Studies.
This paper explores thoroughly the many facets of Rennard Strickland’s comparison between Sir William Blackstone, author of the 1765-69 COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND, and Felix Cohen, architect of the 1942 HANDBOOK OF FEDERAL INDIAN LAW. It consists in a side by side analysis of both authors’ master works, political and educational projects, as well as general contribution to jurisprudence. It reveals that despite the stark differences between Blackstone’s work on the English common law from his professorship at Oxford in the late 18th century, and Cohen’s endeavors on the US federal law concerning Native Americans as a civil servant at the turn of the 1940’s, there are remarkable similarities in the enterprises of legal scholarship the two jurists took on, the larger political projects they promoted, and their role in the development of legal thought. The idea that “Felix Cohen was the Blackstone of Federal Indian Law” has stylistic appeal and could have been little more than a gracious way to celebrate Cohen. An in-depth comparative examination of legal history and jurisprudence however corroborates and amplifies the soundness of the comparison.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
July 24, 2018
Cotterrell on Law, Emotion, and Affective Community @QMSchoolofLaw
Roger Cotterrell, Queen Mary School of Law, has published Law, Emotion and Affective Community. Here is the abstract.
How should socio-legal theory conceptualise ‘emotion’ as an aspect of social relations that law addresses? This paper uses a concept of affective community – communal social relations dominated by emotional elements – to analyse basic problems for legal regulation that are typical in social relations founded on emotion. What regulatory challenges does affective community pose that may be unique to it, and how does affective community itself produce, shape or constrain regulation? If relations of community presume a degree of stability (continuity and mutual trust), what, in general, promotes such stability in affective relations and what threatens it? What contribution, if any, can state law make to create or maintain such stable conditions? What general problems exist for state law in intervening in affective community? What kinds of demands can properly be made on law in this area? By developing the idea of affective community and exploring its regulatory implications, this paper sketches a theoretical framework by means of which fundamental questions about relations of law and emotion can be structured.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
A New Study of the Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature
Damien Broderick has published The Paranormal in Psience Fiction Literature (McFarland, 2018). It's available in paperback and in ebook editions. He discusses many authors, including Alfred Bester, Robert Heinlein, James Blish, A. E. van Vogt, Lester del Rey, Robert Silverberg, Octavia Butler, Connie Willis, and Joan D. Vinge.
July 23, 2018
CFP for Salzburg Workshop in Legal and Social Philosophy 2018: Deadline July 25, 2018 @KYAlbrecht
CFP Deadline approaching: July 25, 2018: Salzburg Workshop in Legal and Social Philosophy 2018.
Legal and social philosophy benefits from the often novel approaches of young scholars—and young scholars need the opportunity to discuss their work with peers as well as with more senior scholars. It is the aim of the “Salzburg Workshop in Legal and Social Philosophy” to facilitate this exchange of ideas in an international setting. These one-day workshops will provide a stimulating and encouraging environment to discuss contemporary issues within the field of legal and social philosophy, which includes theories of jurisprudence, concepts of law and justice, theories of constitutional law and theories of international institutions. Every workshop focusses on a topical issue that is challenging and interesting from the point of view of legal and social philosophy. Situated in the former residence of the archbishop, in the center of the baroque city of Salzburg and surrounded by the scenic mountains of the Alps, the Department of Social Sciences and Economics within the University of Salzburg’s Faculty of Law is the perfect place for this workshop.
The current workshop will take place on October 11th, 2018.
This year's theme is "Fiction and Law."
Via Kristin Albrecht @KYAlbrecht
Fox on the Anglo-Scots Monetary Union of 1707 @UoELawSchool
David Fox, School of Law, University of Edinburgh, has published The Anglo-Scots Monetary Union of 1707 as Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper No. 2018/24. Here is the abstract.
This article analyses the 1707 monetary union between England and Scotland, seen from a legal historical perspective. The task requires a contextual interpretation of Article XVI of the Treaty of Union but, more especially, a fine analysis of the accounting and administrative documents that implemented the union as a numismatic process. Only when these are understood do the questions of private law emerge from the interstices. The article adds to the emerging literature on the economic history of monetary integration. One theme in the literature is the inter-relationship between political and monetary union. Political union drives monetary union but states that seek to preserve their political autonomy may accept some measure of monetary integration between themselves to facilitate trade relations. Strange as it may now seem, the monetary union of 1707 seemed relatively uncontentious in Scotland at the time. The reason may be that it was incidental to the bigger and more difficult question of political union between the two kingdoms. Unlike the formation of the euro-area nearly 300 years later it did not involve the cession of monetary sovereignty by states that, notionally at least, remained politically sovereign. The main effect of the union was simply to rebase the monetary standard of the currency in Scotland with the currency in England. That had been the goal of the Scottish monetary authorities since 1604, after the regnal union established by James VI/I. In one sense, the union simply restored the long-established status quo.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
July 20, 2018
"The Music Man" and the Law @LawLibCongress
Jim Martin of the Law Library of Congress investigates legal issues raised in the iconic film The Music Man here in a post for the blog In Custodia Legis. Mr. Martin points out, for example,
One law that appears very early in the movie is when the train that Harold Hill is riding enters Iowa. At that point the conductor announces that “cigarettes illegal in this state,” and removes a cigarette from the hand of one of the passengers. I figured that was just part of the script but the movie is partially correct.
At the time the movie is set, sometime shortly before World War I, Iowa did indeed ban the sale of cigarettes. Title 33, Chapter 47 of the Iowa Code of 1913 governed the sale and possession of tobacco products in the state. Section 8867 specifically prohibits the sale of cigarettes and papers used to make cigarettes. This provision was adopted in 1896.Very entertaining reading.
Biber on The Archival Turn in Law: The Papers of Lindy Chamberlain @UTSLaw
Katherine Biber, University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Law, has published The Archival Turn in Law: The Papers of Lindy Chamberlain in the National Library of Australia at 36 Sydney Law Review 277 (2018). Here is the abstract.
Lindy Chamberlain is the victim of Australia's most notorious miscarriage of justice; in 1982 she was wrongly convicted of the murder of her baby daughter, Azaria. In the decades following her exoneration, Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton, as she is now known, came to an arrangement with the National Library of Australia to care for the papers she had accumulated as a result of her daughter's death and the legal processes that followed. This article examines the 'Chamberlain Papers' through the lens of materiality and scholarship associated with the 'archival turn' in the humanities, social sciences and information sciences. This approach affords an understanding of documents as objects, artefacts and technologies. Working materially with documents provides new opportunities for legal scholars to understand files, papers, recordkeeping and bureaucracy, and gives legal significance to papers created outside the law.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Biber on Evidence in the Museum: Curating a Miscarriage of Justice @UTSLaw
Katherine Biber, University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Law, is publishing Evidence in the Museum: Curating a Miscarriage of Justice in Theoretical Criminology (2018). Here is the abstract.
After the conclusion of criminal proceedings, criminal evidence sometimes survives in what is described here as an afterlife. In its afterlife, criminal evidence is preserved in various locations; this article explores the museum as a repository for evidentiary exhibits. It examines the case of Lindy Chamberlain, the victim of Australia’s most notorious miscarriage of justice, and the evidence that has survived since her exoneration. Drawing upon interviews with Chamberlain herself, and also the curator of the Chamberlain collections at the National Museum of Australia, this article examines the challenges posed by curating a wrongful conviction.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
July 19, 2018
Anne Marie McElroy Examines Canada's Former Supreme Court Chief Justice's First Legal Thriller @McElroy_Law @simonschuster
Anne Marie McElroy checks out the law in former Canadian Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin's first novel Full Disclosure (Simon & Schuster, 2018) and gives her verdict on her blog, McElroy Blog, here.
Ms. McElroy points out some inaccuracies, such as that under Canadian law, there's no right to have an attorney present during police interrogation, or that in a first degree murder case, bail is not a simple matter. Other criticisms also seem tied to substantive criminal law. Perhaps Justice McLachlin wasn't a criminal lawyer before going on the bench? (She was a law professor at UBC). But Ms McElroy concludes that "Despite my whining about some creative liberties taken by the author, Full Disclosure was actually a fun read. It included some subtle commentary on sexism in the profession and delays in the courts, and presents a smart protagonist and an engaging plot. And while some have said that the character of Jilly Truitt is based on Marie Henein, I know a lot of spunky thirty-something female defence lawyers who could have just as easily inspired this story, and will hopefully inspire more entertaining (and legally accurate) stories to come." NB: Marie Henein is a leading Canadian criminal defense lawyer.
Sounds good to me. Full disclosure: I'm ordering the book.

Gallerani on Lyric and Legal Languages in Contemporary Poems @ArsScripta @GuidoMGallerani
Guido Mattia Gallerani, University of Bologna, has published Beyond Forensic Poetry: Lyric and Legal Languages in Contemporary Poems in Law, Culture, and the Humanities 2018 at 1-21. Here is the abstract.
Download the article at the link.
Via @ArsScripta
In the field of Law and Literature studies, contributions on poetry are rare. This article focuses on a selection of contemporary poetic works: Cornelius Eady’s A Brutal Imagination (2001), Frédéric Boyer’s Le Goût du suicide lent (1999), Maurizio Cucchi’s Il disperso (1976) and Corrado Benigni’s Tribunale della mente (2012). Their lyrical shaping of law establishes a difference from the model of “forensic” poetry that can be found in Charles Reznikoff’s Testimony (1978–1979). Through them, this contribution shows how it is possible to challenge a reflection on the language of lyric poetry and that of law at the same time, if we interpret the lyric poetry as a non-narrative discourse.
Download the article at the link.
Via @ArsScripta
July 18, 2018
Sing About It: The Notorious RBG Gets Her Own Recording @NPR
From NPR's Nina Totenberg: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's daughter-in-law, the soprano and composer Patrice Michaels has composed a number of songs based on letters by Martin Ginsburg, the Justice's late husband, as well as other materials. These compositions as well as others by other composers (Lori Laitman, Vivian Fung, Stacy Garrop, and Derrick Wang) are now available on Notorious RBG in Song on James Ginsburg's label Cedille Records. Professor Laitman holds an M. M. from the Yale School of Music. Professor Fung holds a doctorate from the Juillard School. Professor Garrop earned her doctoral degree from Indiana University, Bloomington. You may recognize Mr. Wang's name from his earlier composition, the opera Scalia/Ginsburg. Mr. Wang holds an M.M. from the Yale School of Music and a J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law.
More here.
More here.
July 13, 2018
Davies on A Grand Game Introduction, or the Rise and Demise of "Sherlock Holmes"
Ross E. Davies, George Mason University Law School; The Green Bag, has published A Grand Game Introduction, or the Rise and Demise of 'Sherlock Holmes' at 2 The Newspapers 25 (2018). Here is the abstract.
On April 12, 1904, “Sherlock Holmes” became a registered trademark of Parker Brothers, one of the biggest makers of card games, board games, and the like in the United States. Of course, that did not mean that Parker Brothers controlled the great man’s name outright. Rather, it meant the U.S. Patent Office had granted the company the right to use the name in the category of “games played with cards.” According to the official report of the registration, Parkers Brothers had been using the words “Sherlock Holmes” in connection with “games played with cards” since February 15, 1904. To the best of my knowledge, that settles the incept date of the first Sherlockian game. (A few days later, Parker Brothers also completed its copyright registration of “Rules for the playing the game of Sherlock Holmes.”) “Sherlock Holmes” suffered a quick fade, at least when compared to some of its contemporaries in Parker Brothers product line. (“Rook” for example, was introduced in 1906 and is still popular today, while “Ping-Pong,” introduced in 1902, has become a generic term for table tennis.) Why was “Sherlock Holmes” so short-lived and then so thoroughly forgotten? Here are two possibilities to consider. First, Parker Brothers may have run into intellectual property problems, despite its trademark and copyright registrations. Second, maybe “Sherlock Holmes” turned out to be a not-very-grand game. Indeed, its defects may well have been obvious to its creators from day one, or close to it. Parker Brothers completed its copyright registration of “Rules for the playing the game of Sherlock Holmes” on April 18, 1904, and a mere five months later the company was back, copyrighting “improved” rules for the game on September 23. This despite the fact that George Parker, the chief game developer for the company, “still played every Parker game over and over again himself, with employees, family and friends to make certain that every wrinkle was ironed out, that confusion was eliminated and that “actual playing qualities” were excellent. Even though he was the very busy head of a good-sized business, he personally wrote the rules for every game the company produced, working over them evening after evening to clarify and simplify them.”Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Todres on The Trump Effect, Children, and the Value of Human Rights Education @jtodres
Jonathan Todres, Georgia State University College of Law, is publishing The Trump Effect, Children, and the Value of Human Rights Education in volume 56 of the Family Court Review (2018). Here is the abstract.
Since launching his presidential campaign, Donald Trump's rhetoric has often been divisive as well as demeaning of selected groups. This article examines the impact of Trump's rhetoric on children and their communities and explores the role that human rights education can play in responding to Trump and forging broader support for human rights. The article reviews the research on human rights education and considers how human rights education can be embedded in broader efforts to educate children. Using children's literature as a case study, the article argues for the importance of mainstreaming human rights education and meeting children where they are, in order to foster greater recognition of and respect for the rights of all individuals.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
McAdams on The Cross-Examination of Mayella Ewell @UChicagoLaw @AlaLawReview
Richard H. McAdams, University of Chicago Law School, has published The Cross-Examination of Mayella Ewell at 69 Alabama Law Review 579 (2018). Here is the abstract.
This essay explores one central part of Tom Robinson’s trial in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird: Atticus Finch’s cross-examination of Mayella Ewell. The eight- year-old Scout cannot fully understand the strategy and meaning of Atticus’ questions, but the trial supplies enough clues to understand more of Mayella’s life than is generally understood.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
July 12, 2018
Call For Papers, IRSL, University of Torino, September 19-20, 2019
IRSL 2019, University of Torino
19-20 September 2019
Hosted by the University of Torino, LabOnt, Circe
on legal and non legal semiotics
normativity is nowadays characterized by many forms. Multi-level governance
amplifies this attitude: there are different judges, different courts, and many
codes (aesthetic, digital, etc) can now be recalled as valid arguments in legal
The 2019
Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law addresses this plural and many-sided
attitude of legal discourse from the perspective of the interpreter of the
legal text. What is the role of reasonableness in legal hermeneutics today?
Against this
background, the conference will address issues such as: can algorithms be
considered as the new topoi of legal science? How are legal
semiotics and legal rhetorics interconnected? Is there still room for pathos
and ethos within a reasoning that makes reference to big data? Therefore, and,
most importantly: how are legal and non-legal semiotics connected today? And
can this relationship be traced back to antiquity?
of 300 words (max.) should be submitted by March 28th, 2019 to Angela Condello
(Organizer) (,
Paolo Heritier (Organizer) (,
Massimo Leone (Organizer) (,
Jenny Ponzo (Organizer) (,
and Anne Wagner (President of IRSL) (
with participation decisions made by April 15th, 2019.
papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the International
Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer: or for inclusion in an edited volume.
July 11, 2018
Jarvis on The Maritime Origins of Sherlock Holmes
Robert M. Jarvis, The Maritime Origins of Sherlock Holmes, 49 J. Mar. L. & Com. 105 (2017). Here's the beginning of yet another of Professor Jarvis's delightful essays.
This year (2018) marks the 125th anniversary of the publication of Dr. (later Sir) Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Gloria Scott. Set during Sherlock Holmes's brief time in college, it is one of only two entries in the Holmes canon that occurs before Holmes met Dr. John H. Watson and formed literature's most famous crime-fighting partnership. It also is the story that speaks most directly to maritime lawyers, involving, as it does, a mutiny aboard one ship and a rescue by another. The Gloria Scott is a blackmail tale that clocks in at 7,892 words. Its plot can be summarized as follows. In 1855, an uprising takes place aboard the barque GLORIA SCOTT, an English convict ship headed to Australia. The attack has been arranged and financed by a prisoner named Jack Prendergast, who has organized the convicts, bribed the crew, and smuggled guns onto the vessel. In the midst of the takeover, several of the mutineers get cold feet. Prendergast, although angry, agrees to spare their lives and sets them adrift in a small boat. Moments later, the GLORIA SCOTT blows up when a misdirected bullet (or possibly a match) ignites a barrel of gunpowder. One seaman, named Hudson, survives the explosion and is rescued by the castoffs The next day, the HOTSPUR, a brig bound for Australia, comes upon the boat. The men in it claim to be passengers from a vessel that sank off the coast of Africa and are accepted as such. Upon reaching Sydney, they find work as gold miners, grow rich, and later return to England using their assumed identities.
Masur and McAdams on Police Violence in "The Wire" @jonathanmasur
Jonathan S. Masur and Richard H. McAdams, both of the University of Chicago Law School, are publishing Police Violence in The Wire in the University of Chicago Legal Forum (2018). Here is the abstract.
That police brutality is a common occurrence in HBO’s The Wire does not set it apart from other filmic depictions of police. What is distinctive is the fact that police violence is neither condoned nor relegated exclusively to a few “bad apples.” Instead, The Wire depicts structural causes of police violence by showing how organizational dysfunction leads some of the very best police officers on the force to commit unjustified and inexcusable violence. We explore four structural mechanisms the show depicts: the police code of loyalty: the hyper-masculine need to project power and dominance; the strategic imperatives of the War on Drugs; and a collective action problem among police. The implication of this complex depiction is that the elimination of police brutality requires far more than removal of a few bad officers. We conclude by briefly exploring how police departments might reverse the structural and institutional mechanisms causing police violence.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Political Theology and the Contemporary Moment: Beyond the Christian and the Secular: Humboldt University of Berlin Workshop @HumboldtUni
Political Theology and
the Contemporary Moment: Beyond the Christian and the Secular
A Two-Day Workshop at the Humboldt
University of Berlin
July 5-6, 2018
Humboldt-Universität zu
Theologische Fakultät
Burgstr. 26, 10178 Berlin
Theologische Fakultät
Burgstr. 26, 10178 Berlin
206 (2nd floor)
workshop is free and open to all. No registration is required.
July 5th
11.00-11.10 Welcome
Kirill Chepurin (HU Berlin/HSE Moscow) and
Alex Dubilet (Vanderbilt)
11.10-12.00 A Political Theology of
Marika Rose (Winchester)
12.00-12.50 An Agenda for Total Disorder:
Mysticism and Gnosis in Fanon
Anthony Paul Smith (LaSalle)
12.50-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.50 Disciplining the Moment
Linn Tonstad (Yale)
14.50-15.40 Doing Nothing: Individuation,
Subjection, and the Political Theology of Interpellation
Alex Dubilet (Vanderbilt)
15.40-16.10 Coffee
16.10-17.00 Secularism and Liberalism: A
Conjoined Critique
Thomas Lynch (Chichester)
17.00-17.50 Conceptualizing Umma Today
(The Ruin of Islamic Community)
Basit Iqbal (UC Berkeley)
17.50-18.10 Coffee
18.10-19.00 You’re On God’s Time Now: On
the Accumulative Disjunction of Intensive and Extensive Duration
Sean Capener (Toronto)
July 6th
11.10-12.00 Is Romanticism Secular?: Uses
of Justification
Joseph Albernaz (Columbia)
12.00-12.50 Laying Claim to History:
Theology, Literature, and the Reproduction of Racial Belonging
Amaryah Armstrong (Vanderbilt)
12.50-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.50 Is Secularism Christianity?
Blumenberg to Anidjar
Christiane Frey (ICI Berlin)
14.50-15.40 Modernity and Bliss
Kirill Chepurin (HU Berlin/HSE
15.40-16.10 Coffee
16.10-17.00 Zones of Equivocity
Daniel C. Barber (Pace)
17.00-17.50 A Matter of Conversion:
Derrida and Žižek on Kabbalistic Materialism
Agata Bielik-Robson (Nottingham)
17.50-18.10 Coffee
18.10-19.00 Disappointing Vision:
Anarchism, Prophecy and the Archeon
James Martel (San Francisco State)
Organized by Kirill Chepurin and Alex Dubilet,
with the support of Prof. Dr. Rolf
Funded by HU Berlin's KOSMOS Program.
Funded by HU Berlin's KOSMOS Program.
July 10, 2018
Manderson on Blindness Visible: Law, Time[,] and Bruegel's Justice @ANU_Law
Desmond Manderson, ANU College of Law; ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences; McGill University Faculty of Law, is publishing Blindness Visible: Law, Time and Bruegel's Justice in Law and the Visual (Desmond Manderson ed., University of Toronto Press, 2018). Here is the abstract.
Download the essay from SSRN at the link.
Printed in 1559, Bruegel's 'Justicia' appears at first glance to be a spatial representation of law—a snapshot, a mis en scène. But it is essentially about time. Bruegel’s image overlays three different perspectives on the hitherto unexplored relationship between time, responsibility, and legal authority, revealing the hidden anachronism of law. At the same time, law is shown not merely to be a concept or a symbolic form, but a physical practice engraved in the flesh of those who carry it out and suffer it. Justicia takes as its method art’s anachronic discourse and power of embodiment; and presents as its thesis the role of anachronic discourse and corporeal experience to the law. These insights were pertinent to the situation of law in the sixteenth century, but they are of far broader significance than that.
Download the essay from SSRN at the link.
Peterson on Chancellor Kent and the Collaborative Era of American Statutory Interpretation
Farah Peterson, University of Virginia School of Law, is publishing Interpretation as Statecraft: Chancellor Kent and the Collaborative Era of American Statutory Interpretation in volume 77 of the Maryland Law Review (2018). Here is the abstract.
In the Early Republic, American judges acted as collaborators with state legislatures. They took on interpretive powers that blurred the line modern scholars expect to find between the legislative and judicial branches of government.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
James Kent,
Legal History
Television and the "Woman in Jeopardy"
Allison Yarrow investigates the plight of the "Woman in Jeopardy" on 1990s television. She points both to real-life women like Mary Jo Buffacuoco, Amy Fisher's victim, and the numerous main characters of made for tv movies that populated the airwaves. Says Ms. Yarrow in part,
Network executives told the press that Jep films empowered women characters, enabling them to assume qualities they weren’t normally given by television writers and producers. Women in Jep could “cajole, demand, infiltrate, investigate and settle scores,” all in the name of offing a threatening man-monster, said one magazine. These women didn’t need a hero to free them; they could save themselves, and did so in an arsenal of skimpy outfits. Of course, in reality, Jep was a gimmick to sate audiences who wanted to see women suffer and dole out abuse on TV.More here from LitHub.
Critical Legal Conference 2018: Registration Open
From the CLC2018 Committee:
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Critical Legal Conference 2018: Regeneration at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK from 6-8th September 2018 (doctoral workshop on afternoon of 5th September). Registration is through Eventbrite and you can find a link to register, as well as the Call for papers and panels and other conference details on the Conference webpage.
The Call for Papers and Panels will close at midnight on 31 July 2018. Registration will close at midday on Monday 6th August 2018. If you are a doctoral student and wish to attend the doctoral workshop on 5th September, please register for a free doctoral workshop ticket in addition to your main conference ticket. Please do circulate this information among interested colleagues.
Best wishes
CLC2018 Committee
July 9, 2018
Bond on Atticus Finch in the Law School Classroom
Cynthia D. Bond, The John Marshall Law School, is publishing To Kill a Lawyer-Hero: Atticus Finch in the Law School Classroom in volume 45 of the Rutgers Law Record (2018). Here is the abstract.
This article addresses the well-known lawyer character from Harper Lee’s novel and subsequent film, To Kill a Mockingbird. For years, legal scholars have rhapsodized about Atticus Finch as the ultimate “lawyer-hero” and role model for aspiring attorneys, with little dissent. When Lee’s literary executor published an early draft version of the novel entitled Go Set a Watchman in 2015, many readers were shocked to encounter an Atticus Finch who was an apologist for segregation and the leader of a White Citizens Council chapter. This article reflects on evolving views of Finch as lawyer-hero, examining how he plays in the contemporary law school classroom. This article argues that, regardless of Go Set a Watchman, law professors should be teaching Atticus Finch critically given the unacknowledged white privilege embedded in To Kill a Mockingbird. Yet how can we critique Finch and still nurture students’ interest in and admiration of social justice lawyering, embodied for some in the mythic lawyer-hero? This article proposes techniques to dismantle the heroic construct surrounding Atticus Finch, shifting the focus from fictional images of the socially-engaged lawyer to students’ own professional aspirations.The full text is not available from SSRN.
Mark Goodale on Anthropology and Law, a new book from NYU Press @NYUPress
Mark Goodale, University of Lausanne, Anthropology and Law (NYU Press, 2017). Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents.
Mark Goodale, University of Lausanne, Anthropology and Law (NYU Press, 2017). Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents.
From legal responsibility for genocide to rectifying past injuries to indigenous people, the anthropology of law addresses some of the crucial ethical issues of our day. Over the past twenty-five years, anthropologists have studied how new forms of law have reshaped important questions of citizenship, biotechnology, and rights movements, among many others. Meanwhile, the rise of international law and transitional justice has posed new ethical and intellectual challenges to anthropologists. Anthropology and Law provides a comprehensive overview of the anthropology of law in the post-Cold War era. Mark Goodale introduces the central problems of the field and builds on the legacy of its intellectual history, while a foreword by Sally Engle Merry highlights the challenges of using the law to seek justice on an international scale. The book’s chapters cover a range of intersecting areas including language and law, history, regulation, indigenous rights, and gender. For a complete understanding of the consequential ways in which anthropologists have studied, interacted with, and critiqued, the ways and means of law, Anthropology and Law is required reading.

Sekhri on Police, the Third Degree, and Indian Courts: 1861-1961
Abhinav Sekhri, Delhi High Court, has published From 'Bully Boys' to 'Willing Servants': Police, the Third Degree, and Indian Courts: 1861-1961. Here is the abstract.
This paper examines the development of India's statutory and constitutional rules to forestall improper police practices designed to compel self-incrimination. Focusing on the period between 1861-1961, it describes how the judiciary consistently limited the potential of this legal framework to police the police. This was due to the choice of interpreting the rules as a means to ensure reliability of evidence, rather than as safeguards for defendants against police abuses. These widely-held judicial attitudes in colonial courts influenced the interpretation of independent India's constitutional ban against compelled self-incrimination as well. This paper attempts to explain why the Supreme Court chose to adopt a restrictive view of that protection, contesting its legal sufficiency but suggesting that, perhaps, that choice was forced upon a nascent Court which had to pick its battles.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
July 6, 2018
From Cambridge University Press: Law and Literature (edited by Kieran Dolin) @CambridgeUP
Law and Literature (Kieran Dolin, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2018)(Cambridge Critical Concepts). Here from the publisher's website is a description of the books contents.
Law and Literature presents an authoritative, fresh and accessible new overview of the many ways in which law and literature interact. Written by a team of international experts, it provides a multi-focused history of literary studies' critical interest in ideas of law and justice. It examines the effects of law on writers and their work, ranging from classical tragedy to comics, and from East Africa to Elizabethan England. Over twenty chapters, contributors reveal the intricate and multivalent historical interactions between law and literature, both past and present, and trace the intellectual genesis of the concept of law in literary studies, focusing on major developments in the history of the interdisciplinary project of law and literature, as well as the changing ideas of law, and the cultural contests in which it has figured. Law and Literature will appeal to graduates and scholars working on the intersection between law and literature and in key related areas such as literature and human rights. Provides a multi-focused history of literature's critical interest in ideas of law and justice Explores how legal concepts and practices contribute to literary studies Presents a history of law and literature, and its contemporary applications
American Society for Legal History Cromwell Fellowships Deadline Extended to 7/20/18
Cromwell Fellowships: DEADLINE EXTENDED to JULY 20
2018, the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation will make available a number of
$5,000 fellowship awards to support research and writing in American legal
history by early-career scholars. Early career generally includes those
researching or writing a PhD dissertation (or equivalent project) and recent
recipients of a graduate degree working on their first major monograph or
research project. The number of awards made is at the discretion of the
Foundation. In the past several years, the trustees of the Foundation have made
five to nine awards.
Process for 2018
Committee for Research Fellowships and Awards of the American Society for Legal
History (ASLH) reviews the applications and makes recommendations to the
Foundation. (The Cromwell Foundation was established in 1930 to promote and
encourage scholarship in legal history, particularly in the colonial and early
national periods of the United States. The Foundation has supported the
publication of legal records as well as historical monographs.)
should submit a description of their proposed project (double-spaced, maximum 6
pages including notes; include a working title), a budget, a timeline, and a
short c.v. (no longer than 3 pages). The budget and timeline can be part of the
Project Description or separate. (There is no application form.) Two letters of
recommendation from academic referees should be sent directly to the Selection
Committee via email attachment, preferably as .pdf files. Applications must be
submitted electronically (preferably in one .pdf file) no later than
midnight July 20, 2018.
send all materials to the Selection Committee at <email>.
§ Your application
should make clear the relevance of law to your project. The most successful
applicants demonstrate how law (broadly construed) is at the center of their
projects, and how their research will tell us something new about law.
§ Your
proposal should engage with relevant scholarship in the field. While this
discussion can be brief, the most successful applicants explain how their
projects tell us something new.
§ Your
application should have a clear budget that is specific about how and where you
plan to spend research funds.
§ You will
receive a confirmation email within a few days of submitting your application;
if you do not receive such an email, please follow up.
applicants will be notified by early November. An announcement of the awards
will also be made at the annual meeting of the American Society of Legal
For more information:
PhD Fellowship, School of Humanities and Digital Sciences: Deadline August 31, 2018 @TilburgU
The Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences of Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, invites applications for a four-year PhD position (1,0 fte) in continental political philosophy, the philosophy of culture, or cultural studies, starting November 1, 2018 or later this year, on the topic of social media and the public sphere.
Profile Candidates must hold a MA/MSc degree or equivalent by the time of appointment. Apart from philosophy graduates, candidates with degrees in other relevant disciplines are welcome if they can demonstrate a high level of familiarity with political philosophy or philosophy of culture. The selected candidate will be a member of the Graduate School of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences.
The selected candidate is expected to become member of the research groups Philosophy of Humanity, Culture and Ethics and Rapid Social & Cultural Transformations. They sustain large international networks and regularly organize conferences, workshops and seminars in different traditions of continental philosophy and cultural studies, respectively. The candidate is expected to have written a PhD thesis on the topic of social media and the public sphere by the end of the contract.
The PhD thesis is funded by the Advancing Society: Impact program of Tilburg University, theme: Empowering Resilient Society. The subject of the thesis is expected to be an interdisciplinary research, which combines two or more of the following disciplines: Philosophy of Humanity, Culture, and Society; Philosophy of Art and Media; Cultural Studies; Literary theory; Online culture and Digitalization Philosophy of Law; Critical Theory; Democratic Theory. The thesis will be written under the supervision of Prof. M.S. Prange (Department of Philosophy); Prof. O.M. Heynders (Department Cultural Studies); Dr. M. Bot (Department of Law).
This PhD project explores possibilities for democratic communication in an age of social media and digital technologies. The project explores how social media and digital technologies can facilitate free communication among equal members of democratic publics, and it explores how social media and digital technologies can undermine such free communication, for instance through bots and trolling and by providing platforms for narratives, symbols, and sentiments of inequality, particularly of race, religion, gender and sexuality.
More about the position, including application information, here.
Profile Candidates must hold a MA/MSc degree or equivalent by the time of appointment. Apart from philosophy graduates, candidates with degrees in other relevant disciplines are welcome if they can demonstrate a high level of familiarity with political philosophy or philosophy of culture. The selected candidate will be a member of the Graduate School of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences.
The selected candidate is expected to become member of the research groups Philosophy of Humanity, Culture and Ethics and Rapid Social & Cultural Transformations. They sustain large international networks and regularly organize conferences, workshops and seminars in different traditions of continental philosophy and cultural studies, respectively. The candidate is expected to have written a PhD thesis on the topic of social media and the public sphere by the end of the contract.
The PhD thesis is funded by the Advancing Society: Impact program of Tilburg University, theme: Empowering Resilient Society. The subject of the thesis is expected to be an interdisciplinary research, which combines two or more of the following disciplines: Philosophy of Humanity, Culture, and Society; Philosophy of Art and Media; Cultural Studies; Literary theory; Online culture and Digitalization Philosophy of Law; Critical Theory; Democratic Theory. The thesis will be written under the supervision of Prof. M.S. Prange (Department of Philosophy); Prof. O.M. Heynders (Department Cultural Studies); Dr. M. Bot (Department of Law).
This PhD project explores possibilities for democratic communication in an age of social media and digital technologies. The project explores how social media and digital technologies can facilitate free communication among equal members of democratic publics, and it explores how social media and digital technologies can undermine such free communication, for instance through bots and trolling and by providing platforms for narratives, symbols, and sentiments of inequality, particularly of race, religion, gender and sexuality.
More about the position, including application information, here.
July 5, 2018
CFP: Panel: Art, History, and the Making of European Identity: Deadline July 15, 2018 @thomgiddens
Call for Papers for the Panel: Art, History and the Making of European Identity
As part of
8th Euroacademia International Conference
Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers
Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, 28 – 30 September 2018
Deadline for paper proposals: 15th of July 2018
Art, History and the Making of European Identity
Panel Description
Identities are socially attributed imaginary significations. They are part of the dynamic projects of individual and social autonomy (C. Castoriadis). Nothing shapes, represents or reflects better the imaginary constructions of particular societies than arts. The artistic perception and practice are often identity making processes while the object of art can be a direct or indirect embodiment of experienced identities. At the outcome line of the process of artistic creation, the perception of the objects of art as oeuvre is an identification with cultural claims for specific aesthetic standards.
Art has a tremendous impact in indicating or shaping various dimensions of multilayered identities. Trough time art represented or influenced human visions of life and death, natural or supra-natural, meanings of life and daily practices, beliefs and their expression, history and change, places and differences. Art is simultaneously a process of building contextual cultural identifications and an instrument for cross-cultural dialogue. Arts supported the symbolic legitimating of various political orders and had an essential role in the creation of national identities. Arts shaped cultural aspirations and credos as an effective element of cultural innovation, change and openness to new. Through imaginary representations, art inserted divisions and differences among cultures and self-perceptions of people yet also opened the path of curiosity for the other and the emergence of trans-cultural dialogue. As artistic visions touched upon the most intimate identitarian representations of individuals and societies, they exercise a fundamental role in the developments and dynamics of identity making processes. Arts deeply touched on social and self-representation through sculpture and portraiture, on civic identities through defining social spaces in architecture or quotidian perceptions through design, on social or political allegiances through symbols, iconic objects and cultural diplomacy, on acting identities through theater, literature or performance arts, on the formation of transnational and global symbols. They exercised an essential impact on the formation of social memories or in addressing inclusion and exclusion nexuses for the marginalized or oppressed. Art is as well one of the important modes for asserting identities.
This panel addresses explicitly and invites the theoretical or applied studies that relate artistic manifestations with identity making processes. As the universe of reflection and research on the topics involved are virtually unlimited and impossible to anticipate in full diversity, we welcome contributions that add value or challenges to the discussion of the topic.
Some suggested topics for the panel are:
• European Art and identity: a bidirectional influence
• Arts and the formation of social imaginary in Europe
• Art as search for self-expression and identity
• History, memory, art and identity in Europe: from literature to visual and performing arts
• Renaissance and humanism influence on modern identity
• Art and the creation of national identities in Europe
• Modern art and novelty as a value
• Portraiture and identity: from painting to sculpture and photography
• Performing identities: identity and performance in literature, theater and the performing arts
• The body in art
• Art and expressions of gender identity
• Photography and identity making: from single images to serial portraits
• Identity and migration or displacement in art
• Alberto Giacometti and Constantin Brancusi: the human and the absolute
• Picasso and Modigliani: images of a deeper self
• Cindy Sherman: the nature of representation and construction of identity
• Architecture and urban vision: from civic identities to globalization
• Contemporary design and the visions of life and the self
• Displaying allegiance: from ideological art to political symbols
• Fashion and social staging of personal identity
• Cinematography and identitarian representations
• Art and cross-cultural dialogue
• Art and post-colonialism
• Repressed identities and arts
• Art and search for recognition: expressing cultural heritage
• Art, infinite reproduction and the global village
• Kitsch and identity
• Museums, galleries and exhibitions: displaying identities
Please apply on-line or submit abstracts of less than 300 words together with the details of affiliation by 15th of July 2018 to
For complete details please see the conference website:
Via @thomgiddens
July 3, 2018
The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law and Justice in Context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War (forthcoming from Springer Publishing)
Forthcoming from Springer:
The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law and Justice in Context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War (S. Huygebaert, G. Martyn, V. Paumen, E. Bousmar, and X. Rousseaux, eds., 2018) (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice).
Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents.
The contributions to this volume were written by historians, legal historians and art historians, each using his or her own methods and sources, but all concentrating on topics from the broad subject of historical legal iconography. How have the concepts of law and justice been represented in (public) art from the Late Middle Ages onwards? Justices and rulers had their courtrooms, but also churches, decorated with inspiring images. At first, the religious influence was enormous, but starting with the Early Modern Era, new symbols and allegories began appearing. Throughout history, art has been used to legitimise the act of judging, but artists have also satirised the law and the lawyers; architects and artisans have engaged in juridical and judicial projects and, in some criminal cases, convicts have even been sentenced to produce works of art. The book illustrates and contextualises the various interactions between law and justice on the one hand, and their artistic representations in paintings, statues, drawings, tapestries, prints and books on the other.

Deadline Extended: Abstract Submission, Conference on Qualitative Research in Law, October 26, 2018
Conference on Qualitative Research in Law - to be held on
26 Oct 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic
We invite all who are interested in qualitative and
interpretive methods in legal research. Contributions should focus on the
methodological aspect of qualitative research: methods of data collection,
interpretation of various types of data, and experience with this type of
research in law in general. We are interested in research of anthropological,
linguistic, ethnographic, narratological, sociological and other related fields
dealing with law, its position and influence on society, the content of legal
texts or texts about the law.
- The deadline for abstract submission (maximum length of
300 words) has been postponed until 15 July 2018, on
- Notification will be sent to authors until August 13,
More info:
Via @thomgiddens
July 2, 2018
Still Open: CFP Law, Comics, Justice: Graphic Justice Discussions 2018 @LexComica
The Graphics Justice Research Alliance CFP for its Graphic Justice Discussions 2018: Law, Comics, Justice is open until July 10, 2018. More here.
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