March 11, 2015

Kevin, Save Their Bacon

I've blogged elsewhere about Taber, Alberta's new bylaw (4-2015) which bans swearing, yelling, spitting, loud music, and gathering in groups of three or more, if local police reasonably believe the gatherers are likely to breach the peace. Fines range from the low hundreds for the swearing to the high hundreds to failing to disperse, and on up from there. Local attorneys have already suggested that the bylaw runs afoul of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and have announced that they will meet with citizens who receive tickets to evaluate their cases.

Now, some local residents have decided to try to raise funds to pay for Kevin (Footloose) Bacon to visit Taber and cut a rug, cavort, twirl, trip the light fantastic, what you will, and participate in a "raucous dance party/protest against an embarrassing, archaic, vaguely worded law passed by an out of touch town-council — held of course, just outside of Taber." Well, of course, he couldn't do it in town--remember that restriction on more than two people assembling.  Excellent: law and popular culture meet on the Alberta plains to guarantee the right to dance. I like it.


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