February 19, 2014

A June Conference Sponsored by the Law and Humanities Institute and the Thomas Jefferson School of Law

News of an Upcoming Conference

Revealing the Links Between Law and Magic
A Conference Sponsored by the Law and Humanities Law Institute and
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
June 6, 2014
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
1155 Island Avenue, San Diego CA 92101
Preliminary Information
This conference, co-sponsored by the Law and Humanities Institute (New York), and Thomas Jefferson School of Law (San Diego, CA), examines the many ways in which law and magic interact. Not only can the law influence the practice of magic, such as in the areas of freedom of speech and religion and intellectual property. Magic can also influence the law, such as in trial tactics and evidence. In addition, magic illuminates the crossroads of other law and humanities fields, such as the emerging area of law and neuroscience, rhetoric, and law and popular culture. Several of our panelists plan to include (magical!) demonstrations as part of their paper presentations.
Attendees will enjoy a full day on June 6 of panel presentations and discussions on IP, evidence, trial tactics, rhetoric, beginning at 8:30 and running until 5 p.m.
Some of our confirmed speakers and moderators include Sydney Beckman, Duncan College Of Law, Christine Corcos, Louisiana State University Law Center, F. Jay Dougherty, Loyola (Los Angeles), Law School, Paul Finkelman, Albany Law School, Pierre Fleury-Legros, Faculté de droit et des affaires internationales, Université du Havre, mentalist Curtis Frye, Jennifer Hagan, Hagan & Hagen, San Francisco, Annette Houlihan, St. Thomas University (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada), Rob McQueen, Goldsmiths College, University Of London, Rostam Neuwirth, University Of Macao, Richard Weisberg, Cardozo Law School, and Julie Cromer Young, Thomas Jefferson School of Law. More information, including specific information about panels, CLE, and the conference hotel, will be available soon.
Date                June 6, 2014    7:30 a.m. (Registration and breakfast); 8:30 to 5 p.m.
                        Breakfast, snacks, lunch provided.

Place                Thomas Jefferson School of Law, 1155 Island Avenue, San Diego CA  92101

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