November 13, 2011

Crime On Display

Laura Huey, University of Western Ontario, has published Crime behind the glass: Exploring the sublime in crime at the Vienna Kriminalmuseum at 15 Theoretical Criminology 381 (November 2011). Here is the abstract.

Scholars have noted an ever-increasing growth in the number of crime-themed leisure and tourism venues. Within this article I examine one such site: the Vienna Kriminalmuseum. An analysis of this site provides an opportunity to explore how the ‘sublime in crime’ is presented to the Museum’s visitors in ways that intentionally merge the macabre with the educational. This presentation says much, I suggest, not only about the Museum’s goals, but about its intended audience, an audience seeking to be exposed to elements of the darkest side of humanity, now sanitized for wider public consumption through the union of educational and entertainment strategies.
Hat tip to NuT.


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