January 31, 2022
January 30, 2022
Call For Papers, Australian Feminist Law Journal, General Issue, December 2022 @austfem
From the Australian Feminist Law Journal: CFP for a General Issue:
Australian Feminist Law Journal: New
Call for Papers (CfP) for a General Issue 48(2) (December edition, 2022)
The Australian Feminist Law
Journal welcomes high-quality submissions informed by diverse critical and
feminist legal traditions, including (but not limited to): cultural and literary,
Indigenous, post/de-colonial, critical race, Marxist, queer, psycho-analytic,
political economy, post-structuralist, and socio-legal approaches.
For more
information, please see:
a) below
b) submissions and queries for the editors should be sent to aflj@griffith.edu.au
26th May 2022 (virtual)
Law is often seen, and indeed often presents itself, as
image-less, a text-based discourse. Perhaps for
this reason, the use of images in legal historical research is an undervalued
and under- researched – if fascinating – area.
This one-day conference aims to encourage the
asking of questions, to reflect the
growing interest and scholarship in
the interdisciplinary field of law, history and visual culture. The conference offers a forum
for discussion, debate and the presentation of research.
The organizers are keen to welcome scholars
from any stage in their career and, as the conference is held
online, submissions are invited
from all jurisdictions.
The conference will construe ‘visual culture’ widely, to
attract papers from a range of disciplines. With
a focus on images in and of law, subjects for papers may include, but are by no
means limited to:
· television, film and theatre,
· artworks (including sculpture), photography and graffiti,
· architecture and maps,
· legal artefacts
and objects,
· clothing and costume associated with the law.
Submit a
250 word abstract to: Visualimagesconference@northumbria.ac.uk. The deadline for submissions is the 1st February
The workshop is
organised by Victoria Barnes, Helen Rutherford, Clare Sandford-Couch and Sarah Wilson
January 29, 2022
Katz on The "Judicial Power" and Contempt of Court: A Historical Analysis of the Contempt Power as Understood by the Founders
This Note focuses on the power of the federal judiciary to hold litigants in contempt of court. In particular, this Note analyzes whether the contempt power of the federal judiciary stems from an inherent grant of power in the Constitution or whether it is derived purely from acts of Congress. The extent to which Congress can limit judges’ power to punish contempt depends on whether judges have an inherent power to punish contempt. Because judges have used the power to punish in ways that abridge individual liberties and civil rights, it is imperative that Congress be aware of whether it can constitutionally limit judicial conduct vis-a-vis contempt. Part I of this Note outlines what judges and scholars have written about an inherent judicial contempt power. Part II of this Note explores whether the drafters and ratifiers of the Constitution intended to vest the judiciary with an inherent contempt power. In doing so, this Note examines the most important sources from the Founding Era. Those sources include texts from pre-revolutionary British legal practice, American colonial practice, revolutionary state practice, the ratification debates, and the actions of the Founders immediately following the ratification of the Constitution. By tracing the history of the contempt power from British practice all the way to constitutional ratification, this Note provides a comprehensive overview of how the thoughts of the framers changed over time and what the framers finally intended with regard to contempt when they drafted the Constitution. This Note argues that the framers did not intend to create an inherent judicial contempt power and that judges’ contempt power is therefore under Congress’s control.Download the note from SSRN at the link.
January 27, 2022
Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference, June 16-17, 2022 @Law_Cult_Huma
June 16-17, 2022
The Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association for
the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities will be held at Emory University
School of Law, June 16-17, 2022.
We welcome humanities-oriented proposals on topics
broadly related to law and legal studies. In addition, our theme this year is:
Unsettling Law
Law often resides in the pull between what is settled and
what is not.
Precedent guides us until it does not. Law’s stability is
in constant conversation with its own necessary responsiveness as well as with
what troubles it from outside of legal institutions. Disobediences, whether
civil or not, have the power to unsettle what is taken to be settled. And
forces like climate change pose challenges to settled law by destabilizing what
may make obedience and order possible at all. Law continually expands the range
of persons it recognizes, for better or worse, while it claims across all
changes that it serves the interests of all. Borders exclude but remain
permeable, and we argue about what is owed to others regardless of their
citizenship status.
States claim sovereignty and face refusals from other
sovereignties within their borders. Even settler colonialism is a process
rather than an outcome, so what is settled and what remains open to different
futures may be contested. How do and should we imagine law in these unsettled
times? What creative forces might we bring to bear in these moments between
past and future, whether for unsettling what ought to change or stabilizing
what is endangered? How might different disciplines, methodologies, arts,
literatures, and technologies represent, reinforce, or resist unsettling law?
We invite proposals taking up that question from a variety of
humanities-oriented perspectives.
The conference will emphasize the ASLCH tradition of
in-person conversation while making some panels available for those who wish to
participate virtually. Rather than hosting hybrid panels, there will be one
full session dedicated to online panels each day of the conference. Virtual
attendees can view these, and there will be public viewing rooms at the
conference so that attendees can engage in conversation with each other and the
virtual panelists. We will also host three plenary sessions that will be
available in person as well as streaming online. Some of the in-person panels
will be streamed during the sessions that aren’t online-dedicated.
All proposals are due Friday, February 4, 2022 at
midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Submission instructions: Individual proposals should
include a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words, along with 2
keywords from the list below.
We also welcome proposals for panels, roundtables, and
streams (two panels on one theme). Please note that online presenters should
organize a full panel (we will not be accepting individual papers for online
presentation this year) and that, though we traditionally accept most papers,
we may need to limit the number of online panels we accept, depending on
demand. Panels, whether virtual or in-person, should include three papers (or,
exceptionally, four papers). Please specify a title and designate a chair for
your panel. The panel chair may also be a panel presenter. It is not necessary
to write an abstract or proposal for the panel itself. To indicate your pre-constituted
panel, roundtable, or stream, please ensure that individual registrants provide
the name of the panel and the chair in their individual submissions on the
registration site. All panel, roundtable, or stream participants must make an
individual submission on the registration site. When submitting a proposal, we
also ask that registrants identify two keywords to help us align sessions with
each other.
Proposal submission is free. All proposals must be
submitted here:
Conference Fees
The fees for in-person participation in the Conference
Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars: $35 Income
less than $75,000: $125 Income between $75,000-$99,999: $155 Income between
$100,000-$124,999: $210 Income $125,000 and over: $260 The fees to participate
remotely are:
students and post-doctoral scholars: Free
Income less
than $75,000: $50
Income between
$75,000-$99,999: $75
Income between
$100,000-$124,999: $100
Income $125,000
and over: $150
Graduate Workshop
The ASLCH Graduate Workshop will be held at Emory on
Wednesday, June 15. We will circulate information about it soon. Any questions
may be directed to lch@lawculturehumanities.com.
Call For Applications: Assistant Professor of Law, Justice, and Society (2021) @wlunews
January 21, 2022
Grajzl and Murrell on A Macrohistory of Legal Evolution and Coevolution: Property, Procedure, and Contract in Pre-Industrial English Caselaw
We provide a quantitative macrohistory of the evolution and coevolution of three fundamental elements of English caselaw: property, contract, and procedure. Our dataset is derived from a comprehensive corpus of reports on pre-1765 English court cases. Leveraging existing topic model estimates, we construct annual time series of attention to each of the three legal domains and estimate a structural VAR. Property and procedure are affected for decades by their own shocks. Procedure and property coevolve. In contrast, contract adjusts quickly to its own shocks and does not coevolve with the other two areas of law. We identify the episodes and events outside the legal system that correspond to systemic shocks. Edward Coke was a shock to procedure. The commercial revolution raised attention to contract. The Glorious Revolution, interestingly, did not lead to elevated attention to property issues, but the Civil War and Interregnum did. The evolution of contract, while relatively autonomous from the internal dynamics of the legal system, was, of the three legal domains, least autonomous from society.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
Call For Papers: Graphic Justice 2021-2022 Discussions Conference @LexComica
From Dr. Ashley Pearson, Chair of the Graphic Justice Research Alliance:
We are pleased to announce the Graphic Justice Research Alliance 2021-2022 Discussions conference, ‘Law and Life Beyond the Apocalypse’ will be hosted virtually by the Federal University of Pampa, Brazil on Friday, March 18 2022, led by Dr Amanda Muniz Oliveira. The theme proposes reflections on law, justice and life in a context where the rule has lost its strength, asking how law and life persists where crisis and devastation have become part of the norm?
As the conference is being hosted by an international institution, we have decided to invite responses in both English and Portuguese to ensure local cultural legal scholars are also able to participate. The full Call for Papers is available in PDF format (attached) and via the conference webpage. Abstracts are due February 25, 2022 and can be submitted via the form on the conference webpage.
January 20, 2022
Malloy on Law and the Invisible Hand: A Theory of Adam Smith's Jurisprudence (Draft Chapter 1) @SUCollegeofLaw
Fundamentally, law is to society as gravity is to the solar system, it is the invisible force that holds it together and keeps it operating smoothly and productively. Law enhances social cooperation, facilitates trade, and extends the market. In these ways, law functions like Adams Smith’s invisible hand, guiding and facilitating the progress of humankind. This paper outlines the elements of understanding Smith's theory of jurisprudence, and introduces the theory developed in my book.Download the draft from SSRN at the link.
Rebeiro on The Work Not Done: Frederick Douglass and Black Suffrage @RebeiroBradley
Since antiquity, political theorists have tried to identify the proper balance between ideals and pragmatism in political and public life. Machiavelli and Aristotle both offered prudence as an approach, but with different ends in mind: stability and the good, respectively. Among the many contributions Kurt Lash’s two-volume set on the Reconstruction Amendments provides to present-day discourse, it supplies the careful reader an answer to this timeless question by highlighting the role of Frederick Douglass in public deliberation over the Fifteenth Amendment. In this essay I argue that American abolitionist, social reformer and statesman Frederick Douglass illustrates and enacts the Aristotelian approach. During the Reconstruction period, there was a tension between the ideal (civil rights) and practical reality (opposition to black suffrage). The general public’s lackluster desire for equal political rights, even at a time when there was a strong desire to secure natural and civil rights through constitutional amendment, presented little hope for black—let alone universal—suffrage. Further, blacks’ closest allies were not in lockstep in their political efforts during this critical period. Whether it was William Lloyd Garrison and the American Anti-Slavery Society seeking to declare anti-slavery work in the U.S. “complete,” or women leaders partnering with northern Democrats and championing the slogan “educated suffrage,” black suffrage efforts faced significant obstacles on every side. But Douglass remained undaunted. He realized that the abstract principles of natural right and justice would be insufficient in the face of such opposition. In its place Douglass, with great success, appealed to political expediency and the self-interest of Republicans. Douglass navigated this tension by abandoning, temporarily, his high ideal of universal suffrage and instead advocating for black suffrage at the expense of women’s suffrage. This decision was not an abandonment of principle. Rather, it was a deliberate, prudential choice to pursue, as Aristotle advised, the highest good—universal suffrage. Indeed, Douglass’s efforts to secure black suffrage during Reconstruction demonstrate both the precarious nature of public support for black suffrage and the need for political actors to sacrifice, at times, the theoretically pure for the politically necessary.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
January 19, 2022
Barton on Norm Origin and Development in Cyberspace: Models of Cybernorm Evolution @DuquesneLaw
In the absence of legal rules or physical force, what causes someone to behave in a manner contrary to one's private desires? Why, for instance, does one tip a bellhop for carrying luggage to a hotel room? Legal rules do not mandate the tipping of bellhops, and bellhops typically do not threaten physical force. So why does one feel obligated to tip the bellhop and embarrassed when when one does not? Tipping the bellhop is a social norm. Social norm theory seeks to explain such informal constraints on human behavior. While numerous areas of academia employ social norm theory, scholars have yet to apply it directly to the study of the Internet. This Article traces norm origin and development in cyberspace and presents a corresponding theory of "cybernorms"; a theory which explains informal constraints on human behavior in cyberspace.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
January 13, 2022
Ramshaw on The Song and Silence of the Sirens: Attunement to the "Other" in Law and Music @translat_improv
Employing Homer’s story of Odysseus and the Sirens, and Kafka’s and Blanchot’s reinterpretations, this text explores ‘attunement’ as an imperfect listening that tunes its ear to the inaudible and unknowable ‘other’; resisting attempts to fully control or make selective our listening, and thereby inviting justice to be done. Compared to Kafka’s law, understood as a relentless and unceasing ‘droning noise’, the origin of which is unlocatable, justice as attunement is read here through a Derridean deconstruction of law and musical improvisation to suggest that, instead of endeavoring to harness and control the sonic like Odysseus did, it should be permitted to sing – ‘throats rising and falling, … breasts lifting, … lips half-parted’ – in the place between song and silence, where listening is always a listening-with.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
January 12, 2022
Yosifon on Moby-Dick as Corporate Catastrophe: Law, Ethics, and Redemption @DavidYosifon
Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick serves here as a vehicle through which to interrogate core features of American corporate law and excavate some of the deeper lessons about the human soul that lurk behind the pasteboard mask of the law’s black letter. The inquiry yields an illuminating vantage on the ethical consequences of corporate capital structure, the law of corporate purpose, the meaning of voluntarism, the ethical stakes of corporate fiduciary obligations, and the role of lawyers in preventing or facilitating corporate catastrophe. No prior familiarity with the novel or corporate law is required.Download the article from SSRN at the link.
January 9, 2022
Call For Papers: Workshop: Women of Justice: Images of Female Legal Professionals in Popular Culture: A Transnational Comparison, August 11-12, 2022
Call for Papers
Women of Justice
Images of Female Legal Professionals in Popular Culture:
A Transnational Comparison
11−12 August 2022 Münster, Germany
The Arab-German
Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) in cooperation with the University of Münster is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the
international and interdisciplinary workshop
‘Images of Female Legal Professionals in Popular Culture:
A Transnational Comparison’ at
the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Münster, 11−12 August 2022.
Popular culture,
be it literature, cinema, or television, has a long history of imagining
stories around the judicial system,
legal processes, and everyday practices of law. As a result, legal professionals frequently emerge as main characters or important protagonists in different genres
of cultural production. For a long time, however, these characters,
whether lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers, were overwhelmingly male. Notwithstanding a few notable
exceptions, male legal
professionals dominated almost all cultural productions. This changed near the
end of the 20th century, when a
shift became apparent in the United States, the pioneer of law-related screen productions. Scholarship has argued that
increasing representation in both
plot and casting have corelated with
rising numbers of female legal professionals in real life. Yet, images of women in law-related popular culture
have also been described as ‘appalling’ (Shapiro 1994), ‘disappointing’ (Caplow 1999), or ‘cautionary tales’ (Papke 2003).
Such negative
appraisals criticize stereotypical depictions which frequently come in one of
two guises: Either the women lawyers
experience an allegedly insurmountable conflict between their professional and personal lives
(Grosshans 2006, Banks 2011); or – in marked contrast to their male counterparts – they lack opportunities to emerge as heroes (Corcos
2003). These depictions, in turn, heavily influence how the public imagines, not only
the female pop cultural character, but also women in the real-life
legal profession.
Only recently
have legal and media studies
scholars identified more nuanced portrayals of female legal professionals (see e.g. Foster
et. al. 2009, Banks 2012).
Yet, these studies
again focus almost
exclusively on US-American and, to a lesser degree,
British productions. What is still missing from the analysis
is how female legal professionals are viewed and portrayed in popular culture
the dominant
sites of media production. Has the cultural export of US-American legal drama
or British crime fiction influenced
how law and gender are imagined in other parts of the world? How do the actual participation and
representation of women in the legal profession affect their depictions in different genres of popular
culture? Has popular
culture, both domestic
and imported, altered the way
society thinks about female lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers? Our international and
interdisciplinary workshop aims to address these questions and, to foster a truly transnational
comparison, is particularly interested in contributions that look at popular
culture in countries
and regions not commonly recognized as creators of globally consumed
media productions.
Topics, themes, and issues to be explored
include, but are not confined to the following:
Stereotypical versus realistic
images of female legal professionals in popular culture
Audiences/readership and their changing
perceptions of women in the legal profession
Women’s access to the legal profession and their representation in real life versus popular
Changing portrayals of women in the legal profession and cross-cultural influences
Plots, characters, and sociopolitical
critique through female lead
The workshop is organized by AGYA members Lena-Maria Möller (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law) and Shahd Alshammari
(Gulf University for Science &
Technology). Travel costs and accommodation for confirmed speakers
will be covered
by AGYA. Funding
is still subject to approval.
Those interested
in presenting papers are invited to send a tentative title, an abstract of
around 300−500 words, and a
short biography to
Lena-Maria Möller (moeller@mpipriv.de) by 15 February
Notifications of acceptance will be announced
by 1 April 2022 and draft papers will be due by 1
July 2022. The workshop language will be English. The organizers aim to publish
the papers either as an edited volume or as a special issue of an academic journal.
While we are aiming at holding
the workshop in person, we are happy to accommodate presentations by authors who will not be able to travel because
of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
About AGYA
The Arab-German
Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) is based at the Berlin- Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and
Humanities (BBAW) and at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in Egypt. It was established in
2013 as the first bilateral young academy worldwide. AGYA promotes research
cooperation among outstanding early-career researchers (3−10 years after PhD) from all disciplines who are affiliated with a research
institution in Germany or in any Arab country. The academy supports the
innovative projects of its members in
various fields of research, science policy, and education. AGYA is funded by
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and various
Arab cooperation partners.
For more information about AGYA please visit www.agya.info
January 7, 2022
Call For Applications: Postdoctoral Research Association, University of Muenster
Public job advertisement
45,000 students and 8,000 employees in teaching, research and
administration, all working together to shape
perspectives for the future – that is the University of Münster (WWU). Embedded
in the vibrant atmosphere of Münster
with its high standard of living, the University’s diverse research profile and attractive study programmes draw students
and researchers throughout Germany and from around the world.
The Faculty of Philology at the University of Münster (WWU), Germany, is
seeking to fill the full-time position of a
Postdoctoral Research Associate Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (salary level TV-L E 13,
in the externally funded project SFB 1385 “Law and Literature” focusing
. The position
commences on 1 April 2022 and the employment period is for three years.
Your tasks:
Collaborative research within the Collaborative Research Centre 1385 “Law and Literature”
Research on law
and literature in relation to early modern British
Preparation of a project in this field for
the second funding
phase of the Centre
A graduate degree in
literary studies (i.e. German Diplom and / or master’s degree) and a doctorate in literary studies are required.
Relevant interdisciplinary project expertise
Good command of written
and spoken English
German language
skills would be advantageous, but are not a requirement
The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer
and is committed to increasing the proportion of women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women.
Female candidates with
equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities.
The University
of Münster is committed to employing more staff with disabilities. Candidates
with recognised severe
disabilities who have equivalent qualifications are given preference in hiring decisions.
Positions can
generally be filled as part-time positions if there are no compelling
work-related reasons against doing so.
Please submit your application by email with the usual documents by January 2022 to:
Wilhelms-Universität Prof. Dr.
Klaus Stierstorfer Fachbereich 9 -
Philologie – Englisches Seminar
12 - 20 D-48143 Münster
E-Mail: stierstorfer@wwu.de