November 15, 2016

Fincham @derekfincham on the Authenticity of Go Set a Watchman

Derek Fincham, South Texas College of Law Houston, has published Is Go Set a Watchman Authentic? at 47 Cumberland Law Review 101 (2016). Here is the abstract.
For many lawyers, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird represents an important goal to which law and its practitioners should strive. The novel describes the struggle to achieve justice for a black man in the face of deep-seated institutional racism. It stands as a beloved work of literature, widely read and deeply appreciated. Therefore, any work that Lee would have written after To Kill a Mockingbird would have sparked tremendous interest, given the beloved place her first novel holds. But many other questions have arisen since the release of Go Set a Watchman. This essay aims to address how the authenticity of the novel should be weighed by using the tools of art historians and the art market.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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