May 5, 2011

The Law School Experience

Adrien K. Wing, University of Iowa College of Law, has published One L Redux at 78 University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review 1119 (2010). Here is the abstract.

This article is the personal story of Adrien Wing’s first year at law school and her struggle with prejudice as she tried to shatter the glass ceiling at Stanford Law School. She wrote this article 30 years after graduation while she was at her alma mater preparing for a reunion. It concludes with a commentary on improving legal teaching methods and imparting wisdom to her students.

"When they asked what I thought now about the 1L year, about law school in general, I said, ‘Despite the pain and agony, I would do it all again. I have learned that the law can have soul. The law can have heart. And I hope that in my teaching, I have shown generations of students that this must be so.'"
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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