July 6, 2023

Surana on Breaking the Cycle: Exposing Victim Blaming in Media Through the "Pink Lens" @JindalGlobalUNI

Palak Surana, O. P. Jindal Global University, has published Breaking the Cycle: Exposing Victim Blaming in Media Through the "Pink Lens". Here is the abstract.
The article, “Breaking the Cycle: Exposing Victim Blaming in Media through the 'Pink lens" examines the issue of victim blaming (V.B.) in the media, with a specific focus on cross-religious V.B. The perpetuation of V.B. in the media contributes to a lack of empathy and understanding towards victims, perpetuates harmful stereotypes, and hinders efforts to create a just and equitable society. The article analyzes the movie "Pink" as a powerful example of addressing V.B. in a nuanced and sensitive manner, highlighting the patriarchal mindset and societal attitudes that contribute to V.B. The movie demonstrates the impact of V.B. on women from different religious backgrounds and emphasizes the need to challenge harmful stereotypes. Additionally, the article explores the psychological factors that contribute to victim blaming and discusses gendered V.B. in Bollywood movies. It also acknowledges that V.B. can affect males and highlights examples of male victimization in Indian cinema. Furthermore, the article discusses the news value of V.B., the impact of the media in shaping public perception, and the powers of media tools to combat V.B. Finally, it explores the "Pink Impact," emphasizing the film's positive reception and its contribution to raising awareness and initiating discussions about V.B. in Indian society. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of recognizing and challenging V.B. in all its forms to create a more just and equitable society for all individuals.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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