February 20, 2017

Looking For Some US Presidents To Criticize Or Admire? Try Pop Culture (Oh, and There Are Some Prime Ministers In the Mix, Also)

"[I]n honor of Presidents’ Day," Salon offers this list of popular culture Presidents that might please most of the people at least some of the time. It includes "regular guy" Dave Kovic from Dave, Andrew Shepherd from The American President, James Marshall in Air Force One (okay--that one is a gimme--who wouldn't want Harrison Ford in the White House?), Tom Beck in Deep Impact (again, it's Morgan Freeman), and Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone (okay, probably not a great choice, except for contrast). There's also the President (Michael Pate) in The Return of Captain Invincible (which starred Alan Arkin). No, I've never heard of it but I've never heard of a lot of films.

In case you were wondering, there are a number of choices for fictional UK Prime Minister as well. Of course, we know about Hugh Grant in Love Actually.  Ross Crae lists a number of others for the Sunday Post here.

Looking for Australian PMs? John Singleton plays this role in The Honourable Wally Norman

Haven't found any Swedish Prime Ministers in movies to cite, but the tv series Kronprincessan, about a female environmental minister, also features a Prime Minister (played by Kenneth Milldoff).

Carry on.


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