March 26, 2011

A New Blog From Osgoode Law School

Kate Sutherland of Osgoode Law School has launched a new blog, law.arts.culture. Below, the welcome post.
Welcome to law.arts.culture, a blog devoted to exploration of the intersection of law and the arts. I’m blogging solo for the moment which is apt to tilt the blog in a literary direction given that much of my research and teaching is in the field of law and literature, and that I’m a fiction writer besides. But I’m in the process of recruiting a team of bloggers—Osgoode colleagues, students, and alumni—whose diversity of interests and expertise will soon broaden the focus to include music, film, theatre, visual art, and more. Please visit often, and join in the conversation!
Professor Sutherland has another life, as Kate Sutherland, author of  Summer Reading, which won the 1995 Saskatchewan Book Award for Best First Book, and of Kate's Book Blog, at which she blogs about numerous things, including the intersection of law and literature.

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