October 1, 2007

Law and Literature in the Undergraduate Curriculum

Robin Lister, University of Bradford, presents a case for teaching Law and Literature in the undergraduate curriculum, in "Law and Literature and the LLB: An Apology for Poetry in the Undergraduate Law Curriculum." It was presented at the Learning in Law Annual Conference, UK Centre for Legal Education, University of Warwick, January 2007. Here is the abstract.

A survey of UK law schools suggests that only 'three or four' offer Law and Literature as an optional subject on their Qualifying Law Degrees (Harris & Beinart, 2005). This number seems surprisingly low, given the proliferation of Law and Literature literature since the emergence of this distinctive approach to thinking about law in the US in the 1970s, the widespread availability of Law and Literature courses in US law schools, and the advocacy of Law and Literature studies on law degrees by a number of UK academics throughout the 1990s (for example, Lee, 1990; Aristodemou, 1993; Ward, 1993; Bradney, 2000).

Download the entire paper from SSRN here.

Cross posted to The Seamless Web.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm doing an undergraduate law degree at a school that doesn't offer Law & Literature and I must say I'd definately have taken it were it not on offer. That said I don't feel it's a must have which is probably why it's not more widely taught. If the demand for it isn't there then it isn't really 'cost effective' for the universities to offer it.