October 10, 2024

Davies on Casey Meets the Court @horacefuller @GB2d

Ross E. Davies, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School; The Green Bag, has published Casey Meets the Court at 27 Green Bag 2d 169 (2024). Here is the abstract.
Ernest Lawrence Thayer, creator of “Casey at the Bat,” produced three versions of his poetical gift to baseball fans. The Supreme Court of the United States, creator of the “baseball antitrust exception,” produced three versions of its doctrinal gift to baseball owners. In Volume VIII of its series of Re-readings booklets, the Green Bag republished all three of Thayer’s versions of Casey, and compared the arc of their literary development to the judicial arc of development of the Court’s baseball antitrust exception. There was something missing, however, from this parallel treatment of Casey and the Court: the two arcs intersected in the end, via Justice Harry Blackmun. This is their story.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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