December 26, 2020

Newly Published: Monsters, Law, Crime: Explorations in Gothic Criminology, edited by Caroline Joan Picart @fdu_press @RLPGBooks

Newly published: Monsters, Law, Crime: Explorations in Gothic Criminology (Caroline Joan S. Picart, ed., Rowman & Littlefield for Fairleigh Dickinson Press University Press, 2020) (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Law, Culture, and the Humanities). Here from the publisher's website is a description of the book's contents.
Monsters, Law, Crime, an edited collection composed of essays written by prominent U.S. and international experts in Law, Criminology, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication and Film, constitutes a rigorous attempt to explore fertile interdisciplinary inquiries into “monsters” and “monster-talk,” and law and crime. This edited collection explores and updates contemporary discussions of the emergent and evolving frontiers of monster theory in relation to cutting-edge research on law and crime as extensions of a Gothic Criminology. This theoretical framework was initially developed by Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, a Philosophy and Film professor turned Attorney and Law professor, and Cecil Greek, a Sociologist (Picart and Greek 2008). Picart and Greek proposed a Gothic Criminology to analyze the fertile synapses connecting the “real” and the “reel” in the flow of Gothic metaphors and narratives that abound around criminological phenomena that populate not only popular culture but also academic and public policy discourses. Picart's edited collection adapts the framework to focus predominantly on law and the social sciences.

More here at the website.  

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