December 2, 2015

Todres on Cinematic Portrayals of Human Trafficking

Jonathan Todres, Georgia State University College of Law, has published Human Trafficking and Film: How Popular Portrayals Influence Law and Public Perception at 101 Cornell Law Review Online 38 (2015). Here is the abstract.
Popular portrayals of human trafficking matter. They shape the prevailing understanding of the issue, which in turn influences the law and policy developed to address human trafficking. This essay examines the interplay between law and culture, specifically cinematic expressions. It reviews three well-known films on human trafficking and explores some of the key misconceptions in each movie. The essay then shows how these misconceptions are prevalent in many law and policy responses to human trafficking. Finally, the author suggests how scholars and advocates might respond more effectively to cinematic (and other media) portrayals of human trafficking.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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